Frequently Asked Questions

These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) are general to the professional organizing industry and may not be applicable to all professional organizers. When selecting your professional organizer, ask about the specialties and services provided and the manner in which they are provided.

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Absolutely; Linda offers flexible hours to meet the needs of all of her clients; weekends, evenings and many holidays.

Category: General

Absolutely; Linda guarantees your satisfaction or you don’t pay at the end of the day. It’s that simple.

Category: General

Linda charges and hourly fee and bids a job a piece at a time. After an initial assessment, together, we ‘guestimate’ how long an area might take, we price it, then we get it done no matter how long it takes. If it runs long, you don’t pay over the original amount agreed. If it runs short and we finish in less time than originally thought, you pay less.

Category: General

You can’t force anyone else to get organized. Research and experience have demonstrated a good beginning point is to ensure your own spaces are organized well. Some family members may be very slow to embrace change. With time, they may see the merit of your organization and begin to follow suit but, no guarantees. If you can control your areas and the messes other family members create in your areas, you can take solace that you are doing your best.

In some cases, ground rules may be helpful giving each person a place to be themselves but, agreeing on some common rules in common or public areas.

Category: General

Absolutely NOT! Linda would love for YOU to take before pictures no matter how bad you feel about how it looks because, you will be SO pleased after the work that you’ll wish you had taken them. It happens all the time. In short, you take the pictures, Linda doesn’t.

Category: General

Don’t be. Linda has seen it all; really, ALL. And honestly, it’s just stuff and she knows that. Your mess is NOT you, it’s just stuff. The joy that comes from taking control over your papers, time and stuff of life outweigh any initial embarrassment you might feel. And with Linda, you’re only gonna feel it for a minute, and then we’re past it. Do not let short lived embarrassment cause you ongoing shame. We face together and get on with it. Bam; we’re done with feeling embarrassed by it.

Category: General

Professional Organizers love this question! “How Long” depends on so many factors; how much stuff there is to sort, how much stuff is hiding underneath and behind, how much space there is to work, how emotionally sensitive the things are, how easy decision making is; and more. That’s why a full satisfaction guarantee is critical. Linda offers that.

Category: General

Not much, maybe nothing!! It is much wiser to declutter, corral, declutter again, fine tune your organizing plan and then only buy if needed. Most times, in the process of organizing you will empty something from one area and reuse it in another. It’s also wise to use temporary containers and organizers until you are sure the changes are a good fit for you. Doing that also gives you the time to find the items that fit you the best and look the nicest in your home.

Category: General

It might surprise you to know that it’s better that you do nothing out of the ordinary. Linda likes to see things in their ‘natural environment’. Like a detective, she ‘reads the room’; she looks for traffic patterns and behavior patterns. Doing so; gives her good starting points on implementing new and healthier home management habits without forcing people into one organized mold. Most people’s biggest issue is being embarrassed. Don’t be. Professional Organizers have seen it all; probably in our own homes!!

Category: General

You can expect friendly, courteous, confidential and nonjudgmental discussion of your organizing needs, challenges, and goals, also, your possessions, workstyle, and how you, your family or your work associates interact within those areas. You may discuss systems, methods and solutions to make things easier to use and maintain. To whatever degree you are able, your participation in the process is important.

Light cleaning related to the project is something you and your organizer might do such as, wiping a shelf before putting dishes back, is something you might expect during the process.

Category: General

You should hire Linda when you don’t have the time or heart to do it alone. It’s a simple as that. Two can get twice as much or more done than if you did it all alone. Having a commitment, an appointment and accountability contributes to your initial success as well as give you a strong incentive to maintain every inch of progress that you make. Your success feeds Linda’s soul and is a professional organizer.

Category: General

Linda will work with you, at your pace, to help you find systems and places for your things. She will have suggestions or solutions for your organizing needs. While your friends and family may want to help, it might be tough for them not to criticize. Linda will be there to support you and guide you, not judge you. Linda’s work style is gentle and low impact. She would rather you conquer a small area with no regrets than a giant area you undo as soon as she leaves.

Category: General